Start from the Top, Scale from the Middle.

Social Concierge

"We were able to incorporate a performing LinkedIn program into our business, we went from 0 to 80 posts in less than 30 days."

“I am so confident in our service that I am willing to design a forward-thinking social roadmap that gets engagement resulting in revenue creation for each of our new clients.”

Brandon Lee, Founder, Fist Bump

Fuel Your LinkedIn Strategy to Ignite Growth

Sales Leaders want to rocket their revenue growth.  Companies are shifting their LinkedIn presence to attract and retain their target customers attention resulting in demand creation.  They are looking to their sales team to suit-up and take off.  The problem is craft + time.

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    We solve your team's frustration and allow them to easily influence your audience.

    Frustration with LinkedIn: “LinkedIn just doesn’t work.” The current strategy isn’t delivering. Our sales team lacks the time and content creation skills to consistently publish engaging posts. This inconsistency leads to poor engagement, making LinkedIn seem like a dead end.

    Imagine this: Every key player, especially your sales team, consistently publishes personalized, valuable content that resonates with customers and prospects. They engage through comments and discussions, propelling your brand reputation and accelerating company growth.

    Social Concierge

    Our Concierge Service: Twice a week, your sales team receives personalized, strategically crafted LinkedIn posts aligned to your company’s core message. In less than a minute, they TwinIt, edit and publish – boosting their reputation, creating demand, and increasing pipeline confidence. Gain peace of mind with a thriving pipeline and renewed revenue growth.

    “It is so refreshing now when I ask prospects for meetings, more often I hear, yes because they say they feel like they already know me because of my LinkedIn activities.”  Chris Dunn, BlueHive

    James testimonial
    Mitch Testimonial

    Rejuvenate the Modern Sales Call

    Sales calls are crickets, not cheers. Once-reliable lead generation methods are sputtering. Your team converts well, but the pipeline is dry. You yearn for the good old days when 100 calls meant new deals. Let’s reignite that enthusiasm with by influencing buyers who practically answer the phone saying, “Yes, let’s talk!”

    “Now when I call prospective customers and send emails, I get more responses from prospects who want to talk with me instead of the deafening silence I was getting before. My LinkedIn activities have caused more of our prospects to WANT to speak with us instead of wanting to avoid our calls and trashing our emails.”  

    Social Concierge delivers 2 unique posts that are written based on your role in the organization using your voice, style, and tone.  20 posts a week for a team of 10 individuals = 80 posts a month.  No nonsense, we harness the power to skyrocket your team to LinkedIn success.

    social CONCIERGE Pricing

    $1,950 / month

    Social Concierge is available for $1,950 per month for up to 10 users.   Additional users are $79 per user per month.  

     Social Concierge includes:

    • New clients receive 2 Industry Trend Reports (one every 90 days) designed to be fresh, relevant content that will influence your company’s social roadmap – intended to start conversations on LinkedIn ($4,495 value each) expires 4/30/2024
    • Access to our team of social experts & Fist Bump technology
    • 10 individual user profiles 
    • 2 unique posts a week crafted to the style, voice, and tone of each user
    • Researched social post strategies and formatting styles that are proven to get engagement
    • Ready-to-publish posts with 1-click “TwinIt” to personalize posts for maximum impact
    • *6 Month Agreement with option to cancel after 3 months