Fist Bump Ideal Customer Profile

Client Companies
Manage service providers ( like Microsoft partners,
Consulting firms – IT consulting and service providers

What we know about them

Example: Louis, Managing Partner and co-founder of Microsoft partner, tech company.

They have about 30 team members. Most of them are technical. They live off of billable hours. They think in terms of money per hour. All hours are either making money or costing money.
He is very technical. He was a developer, architect before becoming a founder and managing partner of his own firm. His co-founder is more technical and the day to day doer. Louis is the sales and marketing person for the company.

He has a marketing person on staff. But, the marketing person is not very empowered. He controls everything and makes final decisions on everything. He listens to his team members, whether it is sales or marketing, however, he makes the ultimate decisions. He tends to listen but believes what he knows and wants is the best. His marketing person is not very happy in her role as she sees herself not able to be a marketing expert but more of a marketing doer of what is asked of her.

He looks for companies to serve him who he respects.

He is skeptical of marketing but knows he needs it. He tends to see marketing as an expense and not as a proper investment with an ROI. He needs to believe that we will provide an ROI to get his business. He needs to understand the logic of what we are doing for him in order to trust us.

Most likely, he is interested in what we are providing from social, digital and video because there current outreach strategies are not providing the results he wants.
Louis is highly competitive. He most likely started his career at a company who is now one of his competitors and he wants to beat them. He wants to grow his company bigger than there company. He wants to dominate his industry and be the golden partner for the technology company he partners with. Usually Microsoft, AWS or Google.

Who Fist Bump is

We are highly experienced. Between Tom, Brandon and Daniel we have built and sold 5 companies with good exits. We have experience and we have a good personal brand. Our show and podcast is called Social Selling 2.0. It is the #1 social selling podcast on Apple podcast.
Tom is the author of The Revenue Zone. A #1 bestselling book about creating predictable revenue.
Fist Bump is a technology platform for social selling at scale AND a consulting service provider to help companies implement the video and social activity they need to do to stand out, be known and dominate the newsfeed for their industry.
Our model revolves around “Digital Dominance.” That is what our clients get when they work with us. This appeals to Louis’ drive, competitiveness and ego. He wants to be known as the best. We deliver that with social amplification.

We call the show Social Selling 2.0 because social selling has a bad reputation.
We don’t believe in “social selling” just for social sake. We use social, video and social advertising because it is where buyers spend time and discover companies. We believe in the data that buyers do 70% or more of their research in cognito. They only reach out to vendors (sales reps) when they have already narrowed their choices based on their own research.
We message “if you are not active in social media and have a wide digital presence and personal brands, your buyers may not know you and they won’t respond to your cold outreach.
We created and subscribe to buyer’s having a “circle of trust” where they allow themselves to be influenced by people and companies who they encounter and bring value to them. We have video on the Circle of Trust here.
We are innovative but we are not innovative for the sake of being innovative. We are innovative because change is happening fast.
We believe the data that only 3-5% of a companies prospects are “in-market” at any given time. This means that 95% of their customers are not currently interested in their services. So, they need to build a massive brand reputation and digitally dominate the newsfeed so their buyers know them NOW so they know the company and the people in the company prior to having a need.
This is why Content Amplification, Personal Brands and social engagement is so important. They need a brand and personal reputations and expert, thought leaders and influential people in their industry NOW in order to get opportunities when the customer need arises.

Fist Bump Personality

We are a combination of technical expertise, sales expertise and marketing expertise.

We are smart and savvy. We have experience. We don’t believe in fad stuff. We think most “social selling” experts are full of shit. They make money off of clients but don’t perfrom well for their clients. Our competitors tend to be LinkedIn automation tools that send mass, cold messages.  This strategy believes in a numbers game that if you send enough messgaes, you will find enough clients.

The data does not support this anymore. Buyer behavior has adjusted so they are not paying attention to cold emails, cold calls or most sales outreach messages. This is why 70%+ of sales professionals don’t meet quota.

But, there is a new way. There is a better way.

Personal brand building and thought leadership will transform all areas of their company. When the CEO is a known influential voice in their industry, it positively impacts recruiting, employee retention, customer acquisition, customer wallet share and more. This is why it is important for Louis to become known in social media and become a known, influential voice in his industry.